2 Bulls + 1 Plow

Sustainable Agriculture Care Packages

We do not give them fish. We teach them how to fish. FNTE’s program is not a handout, but a hand-up. A simple cost effective solution with a pay-it-forward strategy that is taking thousands out of extreme poverty.

Pay-It- Forward Economics

Burkina Faso is in a perpetual drought, which makes farming difficult. To combat extreme poverty, we developed a care package program where we provide families with a pair of vaccinated bulls and a plow, which enables them to start farming corn, millet, sorghum, and other crops. After the training, recipients are able grow enough crop to feed their families, and sell their surplus food in local markets. Families don’t starve anymore and the regional markets benefits from the surplus of cash food crops. With the proceeds from sales, families are able to afford the cost of educating their children, an opportunity they wouldn’t have had otherwise.

After five years of farming, the bulls are bigger and can be sold for their meat and hide. As part of the program, we require that the family sell their bulls. The money earned from the sale is enough to cover the purchase of two younger sets of bulls. The first family pays their care package gift forward by giving the second set of bulls to another family. As the five-year cycle continues, more and more families are farming sustainably in a pay-it- forward economy and more children are receiving an education.

Our Care Package costs $1,650 to take a family out of poverty with multiple beneficiaries long after the initial investment. As of today, 279 families have been equipped thanks to our donors. A dollar at FNTE goes a long way. Click here to watch the impact.

Consider Donating

We help people in ways that they can help themselves through our sustainable programs.

  • Care Package comprised of bulls and plows, bull vaccinations and training
  • Clean Water Wells include the well, cement walls, a trough and training
  • School construction project (junior and high school)
  • Women Microloan program equips and empowers women with basic financial freedom.
Your donation will certainly make a long lasting difference.